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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 05:59:32 +0000

Post From: Backtesting Level 2 based strategies possible?

[2019-12-27 20:07:48]
Chad - Posts: 234
A few questions about this topic:

1) pursuant to recording DOM data for later replay, does the Market Depth Historical Graph study achieve the same thing as enabling Global Settings>>Symbol Settings>>Record Market Depth Data per-symbol? In the case of the study, I can see that .DEPTH files are stored in \Data\MarketDepthData, but if the Settings menu option is necessary, I'll make sure to use it hereafter.

2) what's your off-the-cuff take on the easiest way to get this depth data accessible via Python for some exploratory modeling? There's a few relatively-advanced statistical models that I want to try and wouldn't be possible with a Spreadsheet formula.
But then again, I could try some implementations of these models in Excel, so long as the DOM data would stream appropriately.