Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 04:57:50 +0000
Post From: Preserving trade statistics when moving from CQG to TT
[2019-12-19 10:24:52] |
T44 - Posts: 363 |
In my trade activity log I have trades from both CQG and TT symbols. It appears Sierra Chart has forgotten the symbol settings, including tick size, for the CQG symbols. As a result the P&L displayed in the statitics and trades tabs of the trade activity log are incorrect. Is there a solution to this? Thanks. [edit: as a workaround I was able to temporarily view that part of the trade activity log by setting Data and Trading Service to CQG (even though I don't have a valid CQG login). I can then export what I need from the date range I was on CQG and work on the combined stats in Excel. So please make this as low priority if it isn't affecting other users] Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-12-19 11:11:25