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Date/Time: Fri, 03 May 2024 17:53:40 +0000

Post From: Volume by price settings questions

[2019-12-13 16:50:47]
BenjFlame - Posts: 305

1) I wanted to ad to my DOM a volume profile of the latest 30 minutes.
I set settings of the VBP as such:

"Volume Graph Period type" to "One Period at End of Fixed Time Length"
and "Time Period Length/type for Fixed Time" to 30 minutes.

I read the doc, but not sure I understood correctly... is this what I should set to see a volume profile for the latest 30 minutes?

2) If 1) Is yes, if what I understand is correct, at the end of each 30mn interval, it will redraw the profile once with data from latest 30 minutes, will keep updating at every tick for the next 30 minutes and when those 30 minutes are elapsed, will trigger a redraw of the profile once with data from latest 30 minutes and so on.

3) Is it possible to move an entire profile to the RIGHT of the dom. Not right aligned, but completely to the right?