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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 22:49:37 +0000

Post From: $SPX historical intraday appears to be 40 minutes delayed?

[2019-12-03 20:17:10]
User473422 - Posts: 20
I have 2 instances of SierraChart running now on the same account.

Both have $SPX, AMZN, GOOGL on the Intraday File Update List.

One instance appears to be updating the $SPX.scid file correctly with delayed intraday data, along with AMZN.scid and GOOGL.scid.

Another instance appears to only update AMZN and GOOGL, but not $SPX. If I delete all .scid files, restart SC, AMZN.scid and GOOGL.scid are recreated, populated, and updated. But only a 1KB $SPX.scid is created for $SPX, and is not populated or updated periodically. The next DTC call for $SPX data creates a NEW $SPX.scid file and populates that, but not updated. I would then have 2 $SPX.scid files - 1KB and 4MB file (from the DTC call) that are not updated. The next $SPX

Both instance have the same settings and "Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds" is not checked. And there are no open charts.

I have attached a copy of the startup message log of the broken instance to this post.

Private File
Attachment Deleted.