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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:18:30 +0000

Post From: Bug in sc.BaseData during replay?

[2019-11-18 06:54:11]
BrMa - Posts: 80
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I'm having the following issue during backtesting/replaying data (regardless if I'm using Accurate Trading System Back Test Mode or Calculate at Every Tick/Trade - altough it shouldn't make a difference on this issue anyhow):

The attached images MiniDAX-Backtesting-1.jpg and MiniDAX-Backtesting-2.jpg show two bars with a high of 11992. So I'd expect
to turn somewhen during the processing of these bars to the value 11992. Unfortunatelly debugging shows, it never does. What is interesting during debugging is, that in both cases
turns to 11992 with the same tick, when
turns to 11991.

Can you please check why the high of a bar (and possibly also the low but I didn't check that) is not represented by a tick representing this value?
The contract I'm testing with is F.US.DXMZ19 using a volume-chart with 100 pieces per bar.
If you need any additional information on this please don't hesitate coming back to me!

Thank you very much in advance!
Regards, Markus
imageMiniDAX-Backtesting-1.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-11-18 06:23:10 UTC - Size: 45.2 KB - 325 views
imageMiniDAX-Backtesting-2.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-11-18 06:23:14 UTC - Size: 44.08 KB - 240 views