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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 10:01:55 +0000

Post From: Keyboard shortcuts - multiple monitors

[2019-11-03 20:24:50]
T44 - Posts: 363
The detail in your question was "using two chartbooks". I assume these will be in sub instances and therefore this one keybinding may not re-center both.

The solution I use is to have all my DOMs in a single chartbook, each detached, and managed using the Igynition Window Manager (WiLMA) by Stephen Didak (he has made this available for free*). You can use other tools/scripting languages which can control window position including AutoHotKey.

I'm not sure if its supported to re-center DOMs across multiple instances/chartbooks and it would probably be a difficult feature to add.

* http://www.stefandidak.com/windows-layout-manager/