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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 11:02:32 +0000

Post From: Misleading DOM Cumulative Last Size

[2019-10-30 15:45:59]
BenjFlame - Posts: 335
about this dom column from the doc:

"Whether the trade occurs at the Bid or Ask does not matter. If the market continues to trade at the same current price, the quantity/size of that trade is added to the Cumulative Last Size. If you want to identify recent trading at the bid and ask sides independently, then instead use the Recent Bid Volume and Recent Ask Volume columns."

Actually it DOES matter if trade is at the bid or ask. There is a serious need for a new setting to RESET cumulative last size if price doesn't move level but changes from bid to ask and vice versa.
It makes more sense than not to reset it. Also this is how it works on some other major trading plateform so it's confusing that it is not possible to have it work in such way on SC.

Example: When 300 contracts traded at bid, then 1 at ask but at same level, number is not reset but has bg color of ask and accumulated number is 301 at ask level where in reality only 1 contract hit ask... This is simply an erroneous information and if we missed the action within a blink of an eye we could be mislead.

I know we have the recent bid/ask volume columns, but some of us try to reduce number of columns while still glanning maximum information possible.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-10-30 23:37:20