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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:32:18 +0000

Post From: Quoteboard links with SC futures data get confused.

[2013-12-18 14:45:59]
jesslinn - Posts: 108
I use a QuoteBoard linked to many charts to look closely at various instruments of interest. I am on an instance that is connect to IB and has SC futures enabled. IB is currently providing both futures and equity symbols although the equity data that I use is coming from an IqFeed instance. The QuoteBoard links work (sort of) for equities because they show up with prices from IB but bring up charts from IqFeed (R). The problem happens when one tries to click on a futures symbol. The charts change to the symbol but are marked with an (R) rather than an (M) and receive no data. The charts seem to be remembering their link to IqFeed and try to get the futures symbol from there.

It is very important to me to be able to click on a QuoteBoard, and with links change the symbol on many charts. I would think that this would be important to anyone who wants to look closely at a given issue. In another response you indicated that there were no plans to make it possible to use QuoteBoards with data from a different instances but that you would soon provide other integrated data feeds that would solve the problem. I can't wait but it does bring up a few questions.
(1) When is the SC forex feed going to be integrated so that it can be used in QuoteBoards?
(2) Should SC users plan on abandoning all other data because SC only plans to fully support SC data feeds?
(3) When is ASCIL support of loading charts with remote data likely to be available?

Question (3) would not directly solve the problem but it would make something like it possible. There might have to be a way to set not only the remote data instance and symbol but the local Trade Symbol as well.

I take it that you are solving all these symbol problems behind the scenes in order to integrate the SC feeds. I, for one, would prefer it if the symbol mangling were not hidden. Since the integrated SC feed symbols are masked by the trade service symbols it is not clear which data feed one is getting. It would seem to be a better design if all data was clearly identified by the instance and feed that it was coming from (or going to) and keep a clear distinction between the data coming in and the symbol used for trading (e.g. even when using the SC integrated feed I want to be able to see ESZ3(SC feed) and ES-201403-GLOBEX(IB) in the data and trade slots). That way when there are problems it should be possible to quickly change the incoming data and know its source exactly. I still favor expanding this clear distinction to QuoteBoards as well.

Thanks for everything. SC really is a very robust and flexible platform.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-12-18 14:47:39