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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 00:58:33 +0000

Post From: Symbols of Secondary FX List

[2019-10-14 11:34:45]
ticinotrader - Posts: 401
Dear support,
I am just checking the symbols from the secondary FX list (SC All Data), and I found that the symbols that worked until now (^CHFTRY, ^EURHKD, etc) are automatically replaced to *CHFTRY and *EURHKD, no matter if I type the previous '^' format manually or select them using the Symbol -> Find dialog.
Also I'm getting 'Symbol settings not found for current service' on symbols of the secondary FX list and there is no current data displayed on the historical charts but the data stops at various previous dates during the year, like 7th June or 20 Sept.
Can you please advise how this can be fixed?
Thank you.