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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 21:42:21 +0000

Post From: Trouble getting intraday data for several 2020 contracts

[2019-10-03 17:40:08]
User844383 - Posts: 40
I am trying to get intraday data for a couple of 2020 contracts. I can get daily historical data for both contracts, March 20 3 month Eurodollar, also May 20 Soymeal. I cannot get intraday however. If I hit delete data and download under edit I get 5 bars on the Soymeal 15 minute chart on the far left and it says download failed. When I delete and reload data on the Eurodollar I just get a blank chart if I am on the 15 minute chart. I was having the same trouble with the 2020 May beans for the last week but now it is fine. It does the same thing if I try any time frame other than daily.

I am using Gain as my data feed and everything is fine on their OEC platform, no problems at all, except the platform sucks. I also have 30 contracts available through Gain but am only using 26. I know all about the 5 contract limit but had my broker up it to 30. I have no problems except for the 2020 contracts. Also I am using version 1966 of SC.

I just upgraded to 1991 and having the same problem.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-10-04 14:06:06