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Date/Time: Mon, 20 May 2024 20:38:30 +0000

Post From: Recenter DOM on BID/ASK Midpoint

[2019-09-23 18:46:33]
porcupine - Posts: 40
Engineering Team,

Just wondering if this is still in your backlog? Your DOMs are excellent overall and improving the recentering functionality would make them even better. Just in case the request wasn't clear enough, here's a user story for it:

As an order-flow trader who uses multiple DOMs to trade several different markets at the same time, I want to recenter all open DOMs* simultaneously such that the center line for each DOM is located between the current inside bid and ask prices for the market displayed in that DOM so that I can easily see when one of the markets has ticked up or down relative to the other markets.

*All DOMs contained in the same/active chartbook.

In the case of thin markets where there is a spread, I would suggest defaulting to the current re-centering behavior. The pseudo-logic could be something like:

if (ask == (bid + 1 tick)) //for thick markets without a spread
draw centerline between current inside bid/ask (new re-centering functionality)
else //for thin markets with a spread
draw centerline according to last traded price (current re-centering functionality)

Thank you.