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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 18:55:17 +0000

Post From: Problems with Rithmic connection

[2019-09-16 23:25:53]
User917300 - Posts: 3
Hi there, I have being using Sierra Chart for like 2 months and I really like the platform. But I have a problem, im using Rithmic trading, and I already read in yours web page announcement, that Rithmic connection with Sierra chart is not working good. I have already experiment that disconnection a lot. First I thought was my internet connection or something in my hardware, but with that now, I know isn’t nothing with my hardware or internet connection, and also is nothing with SC.

This is my problem I want to start a evaluation with Topsteptrader or Oneuptrader, but both use Rithmic trading as data service. And as you understand is very difficult to me, to start a evaluation with them knowing that the rithmic connection is going to fail so much. I saw in your page that SC is offering a new service for future. And if I understand correctly is like a “backup”, so if I get a disconnection from rithmic trading, this new SC service will take my trade and I can manage it normaly. Sierra chart will charge a monthly fee and I have to pay commission just for the trades I have opened at the moment of the disconnection and SC with this service give me the opportunity to handle them. Im right about this?

My question is, can you assure me that with this solution can I feel comfortable to start this evaluation if I pay this new service of SC? Or what other solution you can give me?