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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 04:06:18 +0000

Post From: Replay Processing Step

[2019-09-09 14:15:24]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 994
While others have posted about issues with Replay (Replay mode stops working if you press pause and then play again) I wish to point out another issue that is new since updating from v. 1941.

I initiate a replay with Calculate at Every Tick, Speed = 1, and Use Start Date Time checked. When I click Play, I choose whether I want to clear simulation data or not, then I change the default Processing step in Seconds to 1 second. Everything was fine before, but not now.

In version 1941 and before, I could press Pause and then Play and it continued at 1 second per second. I could pause, change the speed to say 30 and hit play and the replay clock still continued to count by the second, just 30 times faster.

Now, in 1983, and some earlier versions, if I press pause and Play the replay clock is now ticking every 60 seconds. This happens even when the speed is set to 1, so it appears to be broken, but you have to wait a minute for the next update. There is no way to go back to 1 second Processing Step without stopping and starting again.

This issue only appears in Accurate Trading System Back Test mode and Calculate at every tick/Trade mode. Standard Replay mode doesn't have the issue.