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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 10:04:59 +0000

Post From: Sierra chart will sometimes initiate trades when first starting up.

[2019-08-28 17:27:14]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You started by saying that those two "unspecified" buy orders didn't go live
Where did we say this?

Anyway, refer to this section here:
Trade Activity Log Analysis: Determining the Origin of a New/Modified Order (Determining Origin of Order)

Here are the instructions to use the Trade Activity Log:
Trade Activity Log: Viewing Historical Trade Activity

Once you see the initial entry in the log for the order, then you can provide that line here and then we can see where it originated from.

I know even if there was an order left on, it would have included a stop and target because that is the only way I EVER enter a position and no one else has access to my machine.
Yes those did exist. Here they are:
ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  OrderStatus  Quantity  FilledQuantity  FillPrice  BuySell  Price  Price2  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance
Order  2019-08-23 09:26:25.368  F.US.MESU19  Canceling due to no fill notice from parent  2024    Limit  Pending Cancel        Sell  2927.0000000    114707  Close  2023  2          
Order  2019-08-23 09:26:25.369  F.US.MESU19  Canceling due to no fill notice from parent  2024    Limit  Canceled        Sell  2927.0000000    114707  Close  2023  2          
Order  2019-08-23 09:26:25.370  F.US.MESU19  Canceling due to no fill notice from parent  2025    Stop  Pending Cancel        Sell  2923.2500000    114707  Close  2023  2          
Order  2019-08-23 09:26:25.371  F.US.MESU19  Canceling due to no fill notice from parent  2025    Stop  Canceled        Sell  2923.2500000    114707  Close  2023  2          

They are held on the client side and were never sent to CQG. When Sierra Chart connected back to CQG, then since the parent order had filled, those attached orders were canceled. You need to keep Sierra Chart running for those to be managed. Refer to:
Attached Orders: General Management of Attached Orders
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-28 17:28:52