Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:13:23 +0000
Post From: TT order routing
[2019-08-14 02:53:47] |
We now have gone over all of the posts in this thread. I am surprised no response from SC on this after a few hours. If it really needs to be SC who cancels, there should be phone access.
Hope you all get cleared/square without losses. We just want to make one thing very clear here. We cannot trade or control your trading account. That is all part of the security design around this order routing connection which we hope you would agree should be in place. If we can control your account, that creates a security risk if someone not authorized can access the account. Your broker can see your working orders though through the TT Monitor page they have access to. And they can also submit orders. If they do not see them, and you see an order in a Pending Cancel state, then it really should not be working. But with today's incident the exchange should have been called. Your broker would have to handle that for you. So in essence, there was never any real danger here where your broker could not access a real working order and you are relying on us to cancel it for you. That was not what was actually happening. You were seeing orders in a Pending Cancel state due to the problem that TT had and cannot cause them to become fully canceled even though they were never working. If we had responded earlier, we do not see how it would have helped because we would tell you try canceling the order again and also contact your broker to verify the orders. Now what we ended up realizing after working with one of you on the phone, is that you could not cause an order to become fully canceled that was in a Pending Cancel state because the order cancellation was getting queued waiting for the first one to complete. We put in a workaround after the close. Effectively you were just seeing lingering nonworking orders. It is unlikely we would have done anything until after the close to clear that condition. We did do a TT FIX session reset just as a precautionary measure, but that did not clear this condition. There is a reason why it is designed this way: We believe the reason why order queuing was supported when an order is in a Pending Cancel state through what is called our DTC server which is used for TT order routing, is because when there are multiple orders canceled, and there is OCO functionality on some of those orders, there could then be an unnecessary rejection message because there would be a double cancellation. But it creates a situation like today where when an order is in a Pending Cancel state due to the failure of communication from the source trading server to provide the order status, and then the order is no longer open, the order is then lingering, and we have to disable queuing to allow the user to cancel it. And in effect what happens in this particular case, is that TT rejects the order cancel request indicating the order does not even exist and then we go ahead and put it into an "Error" state. ---- Update: We have now provided AMP this particular post and we explained to them that we now understand, why they were saying that they could not access your orders in some cases. Those orders were never working to begin with and they could not see them. We understand, why it is they were telling you to contact us. And as we said, when the orders are in a Pending Cancel state, those were just simply lingering nonworking orders. Since we follow rule of not clearing orders with an uncertain state, and leaving that decision to you, and we were using queuing, caused the situation where you could not fully cancel them. That is now patched. And we understand how this can be "scary". But we also know, that your broker and the exchange can see your orders. If they cannot, they do not exist any longer. And we also want to say one thing, the physical connectivity we maintain to the CME for the multicast feeds, and the Internet and all the other infrastructure for the servers, is provided by a provider who provides services for low latency high-frequency traders. We have multiple layers of redundancy in case of a hardware or Internet failure. We are never in a position where we ourselves have to scramble to fix some kind of connectivity or hardware problem. That is managed by others, and we rely on the redundant setup that we have. And one final detail: We also patched a problem with this last update this evening for TT FIX, where the year 0 with CME symbols was getting converted to 10 instead of 20. Since the CME uses single digit years. At this point in time, this was not causing any problem unless you are trading contracts out that far. The worst case is that it would cause a position not to show in the chart but it would still show on the Positions tab of the Orders and Positions window. It would not cause any order routing issues or fill processing problems for orders submitted through Sierra Chart. And it should not have caused a problem with the Position for spreads showing in charts. Since those would use the fill calculated position method. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-14 03:23:18