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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:53:35 +0000

Post From: Replaying DOM

[2019-08-09 15:16:22]
rxtrading - Posts: 33
Sierra Support,

That is fine, reach out to me when ready.

I have already considered this (read about it in Sierra's amazing documentation!) and checked it. It is currently set to -0-. I have tested with it set to -3-. I get very similar results to "Sierra_DOM_Replaymode.jpg" screen shot. The big difference is: With -3- set, I can only see bid/ask levels 3 wide... However, even with -3- populated in that field, it skips a every other tick.

imageDOM-Chart_Settings-ADV3.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-08-09 15:16:13 UTC - Size: 139.92 KB - 355 views