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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 20:10:29 +0000

Post From: TT order routing

[2019-08-02 23:45:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
When you say appeared out of thin air, you must be referring to orders that you previously submitted. The problem would have led to pending child target and stop orders from becoming active unless those child orders became active before the parent status was marked as inactive.

Also, if there is an order that you submitted that you do not see working and you did not cancel it is very important that you contact your broker about them and have them cancel them and also verify your positions.

We are going to get in touch with TT about this because this was not just an issue on the Sierra Chart side with the status of orders. There was an issue on the TT side that which triggered this, and they were also reporting order timeouts.

We have seen a similar issue before, where TT just simply continues to report the status of an order inaccurately until we establish a new session and do a mass order status request. Now this issue was of no consequence at the time but it should not be happening either. This actually is an open ticket with TT already. We are not here to place blame on TT, but if TT supports a request ID on a mass order status request, and they solve the issue we describe at the beginning of this paragraph, this problem would never have happened.

Although, there was some order handling issues that did occur on the TT side today. That is not entirely clear what the problem was . We are more focusing on the order status issue.

During the issue, Positions were correctly reported. You can see the Position quantity on the Trade Window:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Main/C >> Position Quantity@Price: / P: (Compact tab)

And also here:
Trading Information Windows: Trade Positions Window

Someone also asked us about whether there was a delay with order transmission. No. There were never any order delays with the order routing. That is still ultrafast at below 1 ms. There was not anything unusual with the server load or anything like that. The issue today was purely an order status issue.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-03 00:06:46