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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 21:46:46 +0000

Post From: Number Bars Calculated coloring based on row above? Also, is there a way to sort the rows?

[2019-08-01 16:30:19]
User339484 - Posts: 71

What I am trying to do is see if there is a way to auto color based on the row above?
If you look at bid per second and ask per second. I am trying to have which ever value is higher be green and the other red.
So if the bid per second for one column was 10 and the ask was 12, the ask would be green the bid would be red and vice versa.

Also, is there a way to change the order on the number bars calculated order rows? I would like to have the bid row below the ask row as that makes more sense.

Thanks for your help!