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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:10:52 +0000

Post From: Shortcut issue - V1949

[2019-07-16 14:00:04]
User877753 - Posts: 152

Odd behaviour with short cuts with 1949.

For months, I assigned the following shortcuts :
- "E" (without control nor alt nor shift) to : Trading Keyboard Shortcuts >> Move To Break Even.
Worked fine.
- B for Buy Market
- U for Sell Market
- F for Flatten and Cancel
Worked fine.

With 1949, weird things happen :
- 5 with the keypad, it fires the "Move to break even command
- 2 with keypad : Buy Market
- 6 with keypad : Flatten and cancel

I noticed it on a chart as I changed a volume chart from 1500 to 500 : as I typed the 5, "Move To Break Even" fired.

Same problem with the trading DOM : as I changed the quantity to 5, instead of changing the current number of contracts to 5, it fired the "Move To Break Even" event.
Changing quantity for 1,3,4,7,8,9 works fine, but :
2 >> buy market
5 >> move stop to breakeven
6 >> flatten and cancel

Unbelievable !

I cleared all shortcuts to the menu : the problem arises again.

What's happening there ?

Nota : I use an european (french) keyboard.

Thnaks for your help,