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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 19:52:37 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet

[2019-06-20 17:57:17]
AndreyPoroshin - Posts: 105
 In column J, we use the mass of interesting formulas that can be duplicated in other columns or lines of the table and modified to suit your needs.
 Help with information on this topic, because the formulas from EXCEL are not suitable, digging a ton of information from the network, but constant errors in the preparation of formulas. There are very few examples on your site, not what you need.
 For example, I need to create a row J106 -107 -108 and so on with a function that searches for the delta value (ID6.SG3@3) at the time of the ENTRY signal and stores it also as J93-J96, in order to later refer to the LAST value in this row
 Could you create a list of supported formula operators with examples, because otherwise it’s useless to learn from EXCEL formulas, they are poorly supported by SC Spreadsheet