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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 02:08:52 +0000

Post From: UDP RELEASE_DLL Windows error code 10035

[2019-06-09 15:16:48]
User796776 - Posts: 95
Sorry, I may have not been clear.

The issue is that SC keeps the DLL file open after calling the UDP interface and the Unload message appears in the SC log.


1. Create a powershell script, UnloadDLL.ps1:

$client = new-object net.sockets.udpclient(0)
$peerIP = ""
$peerPort = "22904"
$send = [text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes("RELEASE_DLL--PSLib_debug_64.DLL")
[void] $client.send($send, $send.length, $peerIP, $peerPort)

2. Run script: powershell -executionPolicy bypass -file .\UnloadDLL.ps1

3. SC log message is written: Unloading DLL C:\SierraChart\Data\PSLib_debug_64.dll

4. Open windows explorer and delete C:\SierraChart\Data\PSLib_debug_64.DLL

A File In Use Dialog is presented: The action can't be completed because the file is open in SierraChart_64.exe.

Therefore, I am not able to replace the DLL without exiting SC.