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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:11:53 +0000

Post From: v1928 compiler problem

[2019-06-06 20:03:47]
Blue Brazilian - Posts: 42
I recently moved to v1928. I am working on a custom study which I developed on v1881. The study that was compiled on v1881 runs successfully on v1928.
Preparing for an enhancement to the study, I saved the CPP file with a different name, changed two lines in the code: the SCDLL with the new name and the SCSFExport with the new name. I made no other changes to the code.
I compiled the study OK with Visual C++ Release, but when I load the study it crashes Sierra. The v1881 version still runs OK.
FYI I noticed, in the compiler output, the following line:
cl: Command line warning D9002 - ignoring unknown option '/std c++17'
which I don't remember seeing on earlier compiler runs. I'm not sure if it's relevant to the problem as it's only a warning.

Have there been any changes to the compiler between v1881 and v1928 that would cause the problem?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-06-06 20:04:56