Support Board
Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 18:10:46 +0000
Post From: Chart Market Depth for top 25 percent (75 - 100) of visible area only
[2019-06-06 14:55:38] |
User98657 - Posts: 330 |
Ok, thanks. I think this brings us back to my original enhancement request. We need this study to adjust to changing market conditions and we need some way to tell it to not work off of a fixed number (Input 12), but rather the max value displayed in the order book. I would like to see Input 12 operate similar to Inputs 8 & 15 - either by a hard number, or by a percentage.... Your documentation for Input 12 is spot on. Can you make it work as originally described in the documentation? For example: I set my max bar coloring value to 800 All prices with values >= 800 will show full brightness even if there's one price level with a value of 2000. if the max value shown on the book is 500, then 500 becomes the brightest color and all the other ranges will work off that max value. Without the maximum value being adjusted to the current order book the study requires constant manual attention in order to display meaningful visualization. I realize that in extreme market conditions this value may still need to be adjusted, but those are rare instances where the entire book is filled with such extreme values. |