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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 01:59:49 +0000

Post From: Triggered Orders

[2019-06-06 05:18:24]
User255315 - Posts: 133
Hi SC,
1. SO the fields i will have to specify in case of attached stop order of triggered trail stop are:
and the third offset being stop1 offset.

2.Regarding the documentation i wanted to raise some concern. The documentation for the ACSIL TRADING, is lacking in some areas. Especially in the use of attached orders, the documentation refers to the trading window settings, and although its easy to guess the associated ACSIL parameters, it becomes a process of trial and error to check what works, and is sometimes frustrating. Also the trading study examples also give little instruction in terms of managing attached orders. Could we have a page detailing the parameters in ACSIL for order types and small examples. I understand if this would be too much work.

3. Itd be great if there could be a variable, that would indicate the trigger being met. I want to use the various order types you provide, for efficient order management in real time.

4. Lastly, I am working on a project that critically needs custom charts, but the documentation for the same is still being written. If you could instead, give me an example study to work with?

Thanks for all your help!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-06-06 05:25:21