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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 17:48:21 +0000

Post From: Chart Market Depth for top 25 percent (75 - 100) of visible area only

[2019-06-05 00:31:23]
User972768 - Posts: 166

I can't find combination of parameter values of the Market Depth Historical Graph study to chart only top 25% of depth and leave everything else as transparent (or not chart it at all).

The closest parameter to filter out lower depth is In:8 "Graph only quantities greater or equal to". But the issue with this approach is that I have to know ahead of time what to filter out. Sometimes bids and offers get so wide spread at certain price levels that I need to adjust this static parameter to higher values and then back to remove all this noise from my chart.

I've tried to set Range 1 & 2 ask and bid values to Black (RGB 0,0,0), but then it just covers my chart with black colors

Attempt to manipulate In:23 "Percent Color thresholds" didn't help either.

Is it possible to tweak this study to work as I want it to:
- goal #1: show only top 25% of liquidity
- goal #2: use transparent color / don't chart at all anything below 75%
And all of this for viewable area only.

Thanks and best regards