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Date/Time: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 17:42:23 +0000

Post From: options - get quotes for IB symbols

[2019-05-20 19:53:01]
arruga - Posts: 253
Thanks... did work... probably needed to be on active session to bring the options list.
One quick question though....

1) where can I find an explanation of the terminology used in the list offered here. For ex, "2BPM19 C1250.FYT_OPT.CME" vs "GBUH20 C1310.FUT_OPT.CME".

2)the above symbol codes don't seem to correspond to those here. https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/SierraChart_RealTime_And_Historical_Symbols.php&SymbolsPage=FuturesOptions&RootSymbol=B6#

3) how can I differentiate those options that expire sooner than the underlying future? There is one date specified in the description, and it should be that of the future.

please advise
