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Date/Time: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 11:53:43 +0000

Post From: I need help from anyone with a Topstep funded account to answer questions about costs.

[2019-04-25 21:52:15]
User138602 - Posts: 169

i wrote them 2 emails and got answers from Topstep support. Unfortunately, their support is incompetent. So i ask my questions here.

What additional costs do i face if i trade a funded account? Their website shows an ES example...$4.4 is this per contract and side?


Why am i supposed to pay platform fees if i have SC already?
Am i understanding it right? They want $1 commission per contract and side? CQG wants $0.10, Rithmic $0.25...and they want $1???
And then they want $2.36 exchange fee. Is this per contract and side?

And here https://help.topsteptrader.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000174188-Do-I-have-to-pay-exchange-data-fees- they write i have to pay the exchange fee:
"You are required to pay this regardless if you get data from a 3rd party source. " Am i right and i have to pay this regardless of any cme fees i already pay via sierrachart supported trading services, like Rithmic or SC exchange data feed itself?

Right now it looks like this: Full CME costs $420 each month. + $4.40 ES per contract and side.
+ Sierrachart subscribtion + data feed + exchange fees full CME $15.75 (Sierrachart) + 20% of any profit? Who are these clowns?

I asked their support but they cant answer those questions.
