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Date/Time: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 02:59:02 +0000

Post From: lock variable function issue

[2019-04-05 14:15:47]
User917679 - Posts: 76
I'm having trouble with the lock variable function not triggering fully accurately at times..

I might have an AND() clause where it contains "@4 to @4"/"@4 to @5" along with my "@3" stipulation(s), but the @4's and @5's seem to not always evaluate in the clause(under spreadsheets' logic details) for some reason...

So for example:

OR( AND(ID74.SG1@4<ID74.SG1@5, ID84.SG1@3<ID84.SG1@4, ID78.SG1@3<ID78.SG2@3, ID33.SG8@4>ID33.SG7@4) ,V3>0)

^^ I would have something like the above, and once an "@3" attribute within the AND() clause triggers, the rest seems to not evaluate(according to the details window) where I in fact want it to obviously

In the details window screen, I see the "V3"(or equivalent when looking back down the cell column) with a "1"/TRUE value in it, meaning that it skipped the rest of the clause and is now fixed as TRUE(?)

I'm just a bit confused here tbh..
imageresult.png / V - Attached On 2019-04-05 14:06:23 UTC - Size: 31.76 KB - 306 views