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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:15:59 +0000

Post From: How to get modeless dialog box working? Code Provided.

[2019-02-09 05:40:48]
doughtrader - Posts: 16
Oh, I see. Thanks for expanding on all of that.

Regarding what you said here:

You may update it directly, using SendMessage or direct reference to global resources(pointer to Dialog instance);

Is this StackOverflow answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/12491691/10713257) the way to do it for using SendMessage or is there something extra that also needs to be taken into account for Sierra Chart?

For what you said here:

For writing SCStudyInterface values in Dialog instance, it is better protect them with std::mutex or CRITICAL_SECTION.

Could you provide an code example for using std::mutex for writing SCStudyInterface values in Dialog instance?