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Date/Time: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 21:06:30 +0000

Post From: Write Bar and Study Data to File study incorrect values

[2019-01-23 17:25:50]
User719310 - Posts: 23

I am using the "write bar and study data to file" study to write the numbers bars calculated values to a text file and noticed that the values for 'Point of control value' ''Bid volume per second' and 'ask volume per second' are incorrect.

It writes the wrong value to the text file, the value written is just "1" with no decimal places. It writes just integer part, with no decimal places.

This could also be the case for other values but these are the ones I am collecting for now.

When the numbers bar values are written to a spreadsheet they are correct (using the spreadsheet study), so the issue is with the write bar study only.

Please could you correct this study?
