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Date/Time: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 20:39:49 +0000

Post From: 30 second Data drops with both CQG & AMP, + 2 different ISP's - for two months now.

[2019-01-03 01:13:50]
ged - Posts: 233
Thanks for getting back Bill.

I'm working with a tech in the San Francisco area via phone and Chrome Remote Desktop. He's a good guy and pretty sharp.
He has the ability to analyze the packets, ACKS, strength of various Internet connections (especially in my case since
I have the VPN and several choices of server location - we're testing different ones right now). If he solves my problem
I'll let you know. Also, would appreciate it if you make any breakthroughs on your end. This pesky problem simply has to
be solved. Best, Ged