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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 21:09:52 +0000

Post From: Flatten at Ask or Flatten at Bid

[2019-01-01 08:41:23]
trader2017 - Posts: 117
I tried setting up a new chartbook with a detached chart set to Always on Top and added a control bar, when I did that I was still able to use the 3 control bars that I have at the bottom of the application.

However, when I duplicated a chart on an existing chartbook that has all my charts on it and set it for Always on Top which you have to do or it disappears when you select another chart in the chartbook then I was not able to use the 3 control bars.

For example, if I had the detached chart selected and tried to change the time frame it would change the time frame on another chart in the chart book. Same thing would happen with other buttons on the main control panels at the bottom of the application they would not affect the detached window. I'm assuming all charts in the chartbook must be detached to be able to use the control panels that are docked to the main application window.

Thank you for offering to add this feature but is there any way that instead of a control panel button on a detached window that those two buttons could be added to the Attached Trade Window underneath the row of buttons, Flatten, Reverse, Cancel All and Menu.

It could be an option in the Menu section so people could have the Flatten At Ask or Flatten At Bid buttons display or not display depending on whether they needed them or not.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-01-06 08:31:20