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Date/Time: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 23:40:29 +0000

Post From: Replay - Different filled prices in different speeds

[2018-12-25 18:59:08]
UserZiltoid - Posts: 57
There is nothing to solve on my side.
The study I run only prints the prices in the log. and the prices are different in each speed. see below.

Can you supply me with a test program of yours to make sure that the prices are the same regardless of the speed?

auto currentTime = sc.GetCurrentDateTime();
  auto currentSecond = currentTime.GetSecond();  
  auto currentVolume = sc.Volume[sc.Index];
  auto timeIn = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];
  auto timeEnd = sc.BaseDataEndDateTime[sc.Index];

  SCString test;
  test.Format("Index: %d, Price: %f\nCurrent Time: %d:%d:%d\nTime In: : %d:%d:%d\nTimeEnd: %d:%d:%d\n",
      currentTime.GetHour(), currentTime.GetMinute(), currentTime.GetSecond(),
      timeIn.GetHour(), timeIn.GetMinute(), timeIn.GetSecond(),
      timeEnd.GetHour(), timeEnd.GetMinute(), timeEnd.GetSecond());
