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Date/Time: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:36:17 +0000

Post From: Spread Sheet formula to establish if the sheet is presently being outputted to from chart

[2018-11-13 03:18:18]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4162
By default, the Sheet# matches the Chart#. This is the case if 'Chart Data Output Sheet Number' is set to 0, and the 'Chart Data Output Sheet Name' is blank.

It used to be the case when a spreadsheet study is added to a chart# that all other respective Sheet#s in between would get a blank sheet not associated with a chart. This is no longer the case. Only Chart#s that have a spreadsheet study will get a respective Sheet#.

If you add an existing spreadsheet study via a study collection, or by selecting it by name, and you are adding it to a chart that wasn't used previously, you'll have sheets that are not associated with a chart. You can simple Delete them, once you've confirmed there is no respective chart#.

The best way to keep things organized is to Duplicate/Delete charts so that all of the chart#s are sequential with no gaps in numbering. Then all of the spreadsheet Sheet#s will also be sequential. And leave the 'Chart Data Output Sheet Name' blank. And if you are using one chart's sheet formulas for all of the other sheets, make it be Sheet1. Keep it simple and straightforward.

If you need a static sheet for certain data, just add a sheet and give it a unique name other than a Sheet#. It won't be associated with a chart.