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Date/Time: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 05:02:40 +0000

Post From: displaying milliseconds sc.CurrentSystemDateTimeMS

[2018-11-04 19:05:38]
Yoda - Posts: 106
After reading the above documentation, I too am struggling with how to access milliseconds. I'm wondering if perhaps the milliseconds documentation could be further expanded?

For example, in the input details of my study the following is currently working:

SessionStart.SetTime(HMS_TIME(8, 30, 0));

However, I would like to add a millisecond component, but nothing I've tried works, including

SessionStart.SetTime(HMS_TIME(8, 30, 0, 0));

SessionStart.SetTimeHMS_MS(HMS_TIME(8, 30, 0, 0));

SessionStart.SetTimeHMS_MS(8, 30, 0, 0);

SessionStart.SetTimeHMS_MS(HMS_MS_TIME(8, 30, 0, 0));

Also, in the SetTime() documentation Working with the SCDateTime Variables and Values: SetTime() it shows:

int TimeValue = HMS_TIME(16, 10, 0);


But later in the SetTimeHMS_MS() section Working with the SCDateTime Variables and Values: SetTimeHMS_MS() it only shows:

SCDateTimeVariable.SetTimeHMS_MS(16, 10, 0, 0);

If possible, it would be great if the documentation was expanded to also show how we can define a variable with milliseconds. Like:

int TimeValueMS = HMS_MS_TIME(8, 30, 0, 0) // Does not work


Any help would be greatly appreciated.