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Date/Time: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 05:53:29 +0000

Post From: "Horizontal Line At Time" Study Not Recognizing Start and Stop Times?

[2018-10-27 17:42:34]
User612649 - Posts: 40
Hello Support,

I have an IntraDay Only Chart set to Day bars. 1-0-0
I want the value of the Moving Median study at 9:30 am everyday.
I added and adjusted the Horizontal Line study to be "Based on Moving Median" study and the line is drawn appropriately on the moving median price.
I set the start time for the Horizontal line study to 9:30 am and the stop time to 9:30:01
This does not work as when the moving median is moving throughout the day, the Horizontal Line adjusts with it instead of recognizing the start and stop times that specify I only want the line to stay where the value of the moving median is at 9:30 until next day where it would adjust again.

Am I using this study wrong?
How do I get the value from the moving median study once a day at 9:30 am. so that I can use it for other spreadsheet formulas?