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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 23:21:38 +0000

Post From: CQG FIX vs. CQG WebAPI with Sierra Chart

[2018-10-24 22:53:29]
Eric Cartman - Posts: 16
Ok, I think I understand now.

So in "Global Settings --> Data/Trade Service Settings", when under "Service Setting" at "Connect To Market Data Server" I select "TRUE", even when using CQG FIX, the market data will still come from CQG WebAPI ? So all the data that I see jumping around on my charts and DOMs will be from CQG WebAPI ?

If that is the case, then changing in "Data/Trade Service Settings" from "Service: CQG FIX Trading" to "Service: CQG WebAPI Trading" will bring no change at all to the quality of the data in my charts and DOMs in Sierra Chart ? It will just be the same, right ?

Thank you again for your support !