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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 22:12:25 +0000

Post From: Funded dorman account with cts t4 low cost data

[2018-10-15 18:17:50]
User920967 - Posts: 62
Sierra, thank you for your reply . . . this is the email i have sent the broker as per your instruction. Will let you know their response.


Spoke with Sierra AGAIN and there is only one reason the orders are getting rejected:

CTS Trading - DTC | CTS server logon result: Login failed: Trader does not have permission to access this application |

The only possible solution to this issue is that CTS must grant permission to Sierra Charts or SierraChartsOnly. Please read the response from sierra chart support:

We think it is easiest for them just to enable both SierraChart and SierraChartOnly. Our understanding is they can do that. This is what we recommend. There should be no cost for this. At least we do not think so. But maybe there is. But in any case you should just need SierraChartOnly

Therefore, please speak with CTS and let them know we would like to use the DTC connection, and we need them to grant our sierra chart permission. Simple.

If there is still confusion on this issue then we should setup a call with CTS, yourself, and XXXX to resolve it. However, given the very clear error log message, the solution should be very obvious.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-10-15 18:18:28