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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 07:20:53 +0000

Post From: Can't see intraday charts...

[2013-10-31 14:35:06]
The Stealthy Trader - Posts: 165
Thanks so much as I'm picking up things at an ever increasing pace.

Was wondering what BidAsk(Blue Highlight in T&S window) signified..can't quite get my arms around that one.

Obviously, I know what the other choices signify(bid, ask, below bid, above ask..etc) but don't really get the explanation for "BidAsk" in the guide.

Also, as I'm becoming more comfortable with these volume indicators it would be great to be able to scan the entire market to meet some of the criteria that I'm noticing.

Is that possible?..and if so, how might I go about finding the setup for it?

Thanks again,
