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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 03:52:44 +0000

Post From: Available: More Market Depth Levels for CME Futures with SC Exchange Data Feed!

[2018-09-28 09:34:12]
User12089 - Posts: 365
Most of your users are non-technical. I happen to be a professional (practicing) software engineer with MS in Computer Science. If I didn't have a day job as a software engineer and was not a practicing trader, then I would have developed myself a platform like SC.

So I can tell you authoritatively that with the current version of SC, 1806, THERE ARE NO problems with the handling of the Rithmic data feed by SC.

Should anybody complain to you about "problems", then first you the SC, ask me to do some tests on my side and I will let you know.

Also users with "problems" must understand that they should not be wasting the time of anybody if they are using a trial paper trading account .... Pay properly for production account and then chase "problems"

Finally, should you ever "discontinue" the support for Rithmic e.g. in the case they change their Communication Protocols (sorry that's the real life, all market data vendors are entitled to do that and without consulting and getting permission from SC haha), then just handover to me the current code for the current Rithmic feed handler in SC. I will adapt it myself to the eventual new protocol of Rithmic. I can then sell the new feed handler either to SC or to clients of SC who want to use it.


Regarding - "But that's not even the issue because we have a problem with every single service we work with. " - but so is every other vendor of Trading Platforms of which there are many, my friends. (however my humble opinion is that SC is simply the best! - I am saying that as end user who has paid for and used virtually any trading platform out there, as a professional software engineer and as experienced and profitable trader)

so view that as a way to differentiate from your competition - not a reason to moan. You could moan if you were facing a challenge which was relevant ONLY to you. But that's not the case here - every single vendor of trading platforms is going through this.

And if the above is "wasting your time" and your current team can not cope then simply hire more people and increase the price for the product or create a tiered pricing structure for the product - personally I am happy to pay for ALL features and feed handlers and more or less ANY price

You have to understand that a Trading Platform is also a Communications Hub, which has to deal effectively with multiple Data Vendors and Brokers and their idionsyncratic communication protocols, which on top of that may change from time to time. Especially for key Data Vendors and Brokers and Rithmic is one of them. And that's one of the key features of the Trading Platform product and hence a key competitive advantage for those who get it right. One of the many strong sides of SC is its support for wide range of market data vendors and brokers. That allows more users with different preferences to use the platform and also power users with more than one preference for data feeds


finally it has not become clear to me what is meant by "draconian this and draconian that" when talking about "exchange policies". Do you mean price ? If yes, then trust me there are people like me (who happen to trade successfully) who can absorb it if the money they make are going to be more than the price of the data feeds
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-09-28 11:34:29