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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 15:51:02 +0000

Post From: Interactive brokers - CFD - Forex

[2018-09-27 10:22:42]
User843867 - Posts: 18
Hi, Is possible to make change for SierraProgram for make orders to forex CFD? Here is description from InteractiveBrokers:

I cannot chart CFDs from my third party program yet the TWS shows the data correctly.
Except for Index CFDs, CFDs do not have any market data of their own. What the TWS displays is the CFD's underlying contract's data. Whenever you try to fetch non-Index CFD data from the TWS, you will obtain an error message asking you to pull it's underlying contract's data instead. Some third party programs' user interface only allow placing orders via their charts. Given that no data can be loaded for these products and the impossibility of the third party program to apply a similar conversion as the TWS, you might find your third party software not able to place orders as a consequence!

Thanks. R.