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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 16:04:01 +0000

Post From: SC1809 DTC-Server sends one or more SecurityDefinitionResponse right after login

[2018-09-26 16:25:25]
User864893 - Posts: 26
I am working on a c# client for the DTC Server.

I noticed that right after successfull login the server sends some SecurityDefinitionResponses without having them requested.
Seems it depends how many chart symbols are open on the SC-Instance it could be much more.

Of course i can simply dismiss those messages but wondering whether this is the desired behaviour.
Encoding is binary connect to the standard port

26.09.18 18:18:40.408: ==================================================================
26.09.18 18:18:40.418: ==================================================================
26.09.18 18:18:40.418: TRACE Started:
STARTED TRACING TO C:\Users\xxx\Documents\\dtctrace.txt
26.09.18 18:18:40.421: Starting connect to
26.09.18 18:18:40.472: EncodingRequest sent
26.09.18 18:18:40.519: tcpclient data received length=16
26.09.18 18:18:40.519: msgblockisze=16
EncodingResponse calc 16 / read=16
26.09.18 18:18:40.519: got encoding response
26.09.18 18:18:40.519: encoding agreed successfull
26.09.18 18:18:40.519: LogonRequest sent
26.09.18 18:18:40.550: tcpclient data received length=936
26.09.18 18:18:40.550: msgblockisze=256
created msg-0 size=256
26.09.18 18:18:40.550: received response LogonResponse
LogonResponse calc 253 / read=253
created msg-1 size=340
26.09.18 18:18:40.550: received response SecurityDefinitionResponse
SecurityDefinitionResponse calc 328 / read=328
SECDEF: isfinal=1 reqid=110000000 Symbol=FDAXZ7
created msg-2 size=340
26.09.18 18:18:40.550: received response SecurityDefinitionResponse
SecurityDefinitionResponse calc 328 / read=328
SECDEF: isfinal=1 reqid=110000000 Symbol=EURUSD
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-09-26 16:29:05