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Date/Time: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:36:26 +0000

Post From: Discrepancy with Sierra Tick Charts vs Other Platforms/Data Feeds

[2018-08-09 14:16:54]
Vantrader66 - Posts: 21
I recently joined a trade room with other traders who use Tradestation and Ninja charts. We've noticed that when using identical tick charts (ie 610 tick chart on YM and 6E) that my candles look very different to what the others are showing on their charts. Their candles close much earlier than mine - for example when there are 400 ticks remaining on my candle they have already started to print a new one. This creates a problem as we are basing entries/exits on opens and closes of the tick candles. Why is there such a discrepancy with Sierra Charts and how do I get on the same page with the charts and candles the other traders are looking at? I am using the Sierra Chart data feed.