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Date/Time: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:06:45 +0000

Post From: Questions on Spreadsheet_Studies

[2018-08-05 14:18:17]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4157

What is your final goal for this?
If you are using the Spreadsheet System for Trading study for autotrading, it must be set to Region 1, which is what my previous posts are based on.
If you only want to produce a bar graph in Region 2, use the Spreadsheet Study study set to Region 2. In this case, you don't need to use the SMA to draw the bar graph in Region 2, and you could also use the spreadsheet to color the bars when <0.75.
If you also want alerts when the bar graph is <0.75, use the Spreadsheet System/Alert study set to Region 2.

To color the bars in Region 2 if the spreadsheet must use Region 1:
-Add the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study.
-Set the 'Chart Region' to 2
-On the Subgraphs tab, set the Draw Style to 'Bar'
-On the Alerts tab, use this formula:
This assumes the SMA study is ID1. Edit as necessary.

Note: The color bar study must be below the SMA study in the Studies to Graph list.