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Date/Time: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 20:56:19 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet errors

[2018-06-30 00:19:43]
User93534 - Posts: 30
Using version 1750, I see there was a problem with the spread sheet display corrected in version 1761 but not sure if this is the same issue. Getting obviously wrong outputs at places on simple formulas like if(id10.sg1@3>0,id10.sg1@3,0) and is returning a zero value, but checking the details it would indeed show a positive value for the subgraph but a zero in the cell.

More problematic in trouble shooting a model I find the issue is in the calculation:

[ IF ] IF(OR(L21=1,AND(N21=0,(ID0.SG2@20-M21)<=1.25)),... = 0 (number, integer)
  [ OR ] OR(L21=1,AND(N21=0,(ID0.SG2@20-M21)<=1.25)) = 0 (number, integer)
    [ = ] L21=1 = 0 (number, integer)
      [ L21 ] L21 = 2 (number, integer)
      [ 1 ] 1 = 1 (number, integer)
    [ AND ] AND(N21=0,(ID0.SG2@20-M21)<=1.25) = 0 (number, integer)
      [ = ] N21=0 = 1 (number, integer)
        [ N21 ] N21 = 0 (number, integer)
        [ 0 ] 0 = 0 (number, integer)
      [ <= ] (ID0.SG2@20-M21)<=1.25 = 0 (number, integer)
        [ - ] (ID0.SG2@20-M21) = 1.5 (number, double)
          [ ID0.SG2@20 ] C20 = 2724.25 (number, double)
          [ M21 ] M21 = 2722.75 (number, double)
        [ 1.25 ] 1.25 = 1.25 (number, double)
  [ 0 ] 0 = (not evaluated)

specifically the final part that correctly calculates the value initially at 1.5 and then returns a final value of 1.25

Is this the same problem and solved by updating or a separate problem that needs to be addressed or have I troubleshot this all wrong?