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Date/Time: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 02:50:48 +0000

Post From: Global Analysis window does not return all my Study Collections list.

[2018-05-20 05:38:05]
TraderTen - Posts: 80
I have maybe 300+ Study Collections saved. When attempting to apply one to a new chart, or 'overlay' one onto another chart, I can not see the latter 1/3 of my studies list. The window is not large enough for all to be seen at once.

Is there a way to sort them from high to low alphanumeric name, instead of low to high default?

Another solution is to make the window larger. Or maybe you have another idea?

It is not the best solution, but I suppose I could sort my data by date, and then scrape old studies to an off-line file. That would work in terms of getting at the newer ones. Trouble is, I have some old studies used on newer Chart Books, and not sure what happens to them if the Study Collection is no longer available: I assume it will be blank then.