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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 10:06:03 +0000

Post From: Cumulative Volume at Time of Day Relative to Prior X Days

[2018-05-17 15:07:36]
User924725 - Posts: 26
hello support,

I wonder if you could help build this Study.
I understand that this is not your job to do it but many users might find it useful so Sierra could be more popular. Or another Sierra member with better knowledge on coding could build it.

The picture below shows that we are now 4415 contracts below the X day average for the time of day. The 4415 are number of contracts traded(volume) NOT for each 1min period but actual-total volume of the day by that time

It resets at Session start each Day.
As i see it is needed to include these factors.
A study that calculates cumulative actual contracts - volume that have been traded til time X of every day (This means at 18:00 NY session opening nothing is traded ....at 18:01 50 contracts traded, at time 18:02 another 100 contracts traded so total 150 and so on.
Then a calculation that it will compare day 1 volume traded at 18:01 with day 2 volume traded at 18:01 and so on for X number of days that user decides.
Then a moving average it is needed for the past X days to calculate the cumulative total contracts-volume traded at each period of 1min chart.

And then a calculation with formula that will plot the data as picture below

I am aware of the Relative volume study that is included in Sierra but i think its not the same thing but it could help to build the study i describe.

The study has been reffered on other sites on internet as Cumulative Sheep Index - CSI

I hope that i expresed it well.
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