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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 08:50:26 +0000

Post From: Recent Bid/Ask Volume

[2018-05-15 07:13:01]
Acro - Posts: 441
I think the implementation of this feature is working fine.

It would be even more amazing if we had the ability to add control bar buttons or shortcuts that:

A - cleared recent bid and ask volume activity above the current price; and
B - cleared recent bid and ask volume activity below the current price

The reason is that this would make it a lot clearer to see what was going on in this microswing and not confuse that activity with the previous occasion on which price was around this level.
The current shortcut that removes all recent volume is a bit too drastic to help this clarity since it removes all of the activity including that which occurred on this microswing