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Date/Time: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 11:55:01 +0000

Post From: Stop order

[2018-05-14 21:46:13]
Xfanman1 - Posts: 320
Here's an example using Bracket Orders for both a Stop and a Target when placing an order. After you've adjusted your settings, You MUST remember to name and Save Configuration using the Menu or M on the Trade Window. This is the step most people new to adjusting these settings forget in my experience.

* Start by selecting Simple Bracket or one of the other bracket examples in the Trade Window Dropdown Menu.

* Select the Targets Tab on the Trade Window

* Highlight the Stop in the upper window.

* Enter your Stop Limit, (in your case 6 ticks) in the Stop Offset box.

* In the lower left window Move to Breakeven For Stop select Step 1 then select the Type Offset in Ticks Triggered. You want to put 1 in the BE Level Offset box. NOW, put 8 in the Trigger Offset box. This will now move your Stop from -6 ticks to +1 tick when price touches 8 ticks beyond your entry.

Now...SAVE your work by going to the Menu or M button on the Main tab and selecting Save Configuration as mentioned above.

IF you wish to add a second higher stop if price continues to move up, you could do so by selecting the Step 2 option and repeating the above. Otherwise just leave it as None.

You can adjust your Target price the same way using the Target 1 highlight back at the top of the window if you want.

Don't forget to click the Use Attached Orders box on the Main tab if using bracket orders.

Hope that helps. See the images I've attached below to see where this changes should be made -->

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-05-14 21:49:23
imageSampleBEMovingStop.PNG / V - Attached On 2018-05-14 21:49:19 UTC - Size: 18.41 KB - 429 views