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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 15:18:12 +0000

Post From: Study Summary Formatting

[2018-04-09 07:56:00]
DivSW - Posts: 3
Hello, I have a question regarding using a Study Summary. I followed the example in the ZigZag indicator in terms of creating subgraph arrays to store data that will only be displayed in the Study Summary and not in the chart itself. It works well, but there are two columns in which I would like to display a text string rather than a float. The Potential and Pattern columns in the snapshot link below contain values that refer to the pattern type (i.e., 1=ABCD, 2=BUTTERFLY, 3=CRAB, etc.) and I would actually like to display the string rather than the value in the Study Summary cells.

I tried setting those two arrays to DRAWSTYLE_TEXT and used TextDrawStyleText to assign the correct pattern name string...that does work but now the text strings are also displayed on the chart. Is there a way to display the text strings in the Study Summary but not in the chart?

If not, then is there a way to retrieve the price value associated with the top and bottom of the visible region in the chart? That way if I use DRAWSTYLE_TEXT (which does the job for the Study Summary) I could display the pattern name text in the chart at the top-right and bottom-right margins of the visible chart area. I tried using:

float topval = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(sc.StudyRegionTopCoordinate);
float botval = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(sc.StudyRegionBottomCoordinate);

...but those did not work.

Link to snapshot:


